Monday, November 21, 2011

Can asians suffer from rosacea ?

my skin colour is a light browny yellowy complexion, but my skin sometimes changes when i exercise or when i am hot ppl tell me that my cheeks go like a dark red colour, like colour of blood...also i have quite red lips...and also my skin colour changes when my face is in contact with air and wind....Can asians suffer from rosacea ?
You should see you GP to find out. S/he can give

a proper diagonsis.

I am not white, but I am half white and my mother is extremely pale like an albino so my skin even though light brown gets sun burnt and goes red very easily so you never know. Even so, it is very rare for non-whites to suffer from rosacea. I don't have it just very sensistive skin. If you look it up on wiki you'll see that Mariah Carey is a sufferer - and she isn't white.

All the bestCan asians suffer from rosacea ?
yeah they can but if you're just turning red when exercising and stuff that's because of increased blood flow. it happens to everyone it might just be more noticeable in you. rosacea is a skin disorder that is pretty permanent
yes,but it sounds like you have something other than rosaccea to me

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