Thursday, July 22, 2010

Does anyone have Rosacea?

I have rosacea and it's getting spreading to my neck. I have an Rx for a cream but can't afford to get it filled ($72 per month) because my husband and I are inbetween insurace companies right now. Does anyone have any tips or over the counter remedies that will help?Does anyone have Rosacea?
OH OH! I can definitely help you on this. You see my mom has rosacea as well and she uses the stuff called Eucerin Redness Relief. You can find it at Walgreens. Please try it I promise you that it will help. My mom's rosacea used to flare up really bad all the time too. Also my mom's dermatologist also said not to eat a lot of dairy products. Dairy products seem to flare up the rosacea. Also if you want to cover it up. I suggest Bare Essentials makeup. I tried mine on my mom and the red went completely away. Oh Oh I hope I helped you!Does anyone have Rosacea?
ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh did u get that stuff from the doc like the cream well i think it isn't working but i will kick in soon and if u don't use doc stuff use it
dont let anyone tell you otherwise-

rosacea is a bacterial infection...thats that

I had it for years and, nothing helped..then, i went on doxycylian.....(sp)? for 6 weeks...and it knocked the rosacea right out of my system...been free from it for years...and, now have a perfect complexion..

trust me...i creams, no nothing will help other than the doxy..
It could be a food allergy. Great article in the magazine Natural Health.

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