Thursday, July 22, 2010

My face has been breaking out with blister like sores. Dr. says its rosacea but I think it is something more.?

I've known people with rosacea and seen pictures on the internet and what I have doesn't match up. Eight months ago my skin started itching with what I thought was hives. Couldn't really see them on the surface but I could feel them under my skin. I was very stressed out at work at the time. They didn't go away though. Instead the surface of my skin started breaking out in sores like small boils with a blister like head. If you washed your face with a cloth it would cause them to bleed. If you squeezed them it was just clear liquid and it would burn for a while afterwards. Some days my whole face just burned. The only time my face has been completely clear was when I was on amoxicillin for a nasal infection but then the sores came right back. I've been given bactrim and some other mild antibiotic as well as a sulfer lotion and yeast cream and nothing has worked. I think there is some kind of an infection going on that hasn't been addressed. Anybody out there have any ideas?My face has been breaking out with blister like sores. Dr. says its rosacea but I think it is something more.?
i think it's a bacterial infection, based on your amoxicillin intake.

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