I am currently 16 years old, and have had rosacea since i was 13. With each passing year my condition seems to be getting worse (the redness is more visible) i am tierd of being asked what my condition is and why it's red, and all of the MANY so called rosacea products like noredol, zenmed, murad,and elave has done nothing for me, and occasionally makes it worse. I dont want this thing taking away the rest of my childhood, which is why im questioning whether or not to atempt going through a laser procedure. and if not a laser, what REALLY works?! PLEASE HELP ME OUT!Should I risk trying a rosacea laser treatment?
I'm 34 and have had rosacea for 3 years. Any treatment you use or procedure you have done is only a temporary fix. Unfortunately there is no cure currently for it, so all you can do, like I did, is keep trying products until you find one that helps. The popular products out there that did NOT work for me were Metrogel. Finacea made my face burn so I discontinued use immediately because there are a million triggers to activating the rosacea symptoms. Accutane is the your best bet as far as powerful drugs are concerned. It ultimately closes off your oil producing glands lessening aggevation of the skin thus lessening the symptoms of rosacea. You can only use this product at 5-month intervals, but I used to have severely oily skin making my rosacea hell on earth, but after a 5-month 40mg 2x a day treatment of accutane, my face is no longer oily to the point of it being disgusting to deal with. Another product to help out, and it is powerful as well, is Desonide Lotion. It can only be use for 2 weeks at a time, generally once a day because it literally burns a layer of skin killing bacteria and refreshing the skin cells in the process. It is not painful at all. It sounds like it is, but it isn't. It helps a lot with itching too. Great product. REMEMBER: There is NO cure, so until they find one, it will only get worse, so take accutane for 2 - 3 sessions (5-months each) over 3- 4 years and I'm confident you will see a slowing in the symptoms of rosacea.
FYI: Dr. Gallo of the University of Cali-Berkley and his team have found what they believe is the cause of rosacea, so now they are working on the cure. Be patient, this could be 5 - 10 years before this happens, but know people are working on it. Good Luck!
Check out the link I attached:
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