Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Best way to help rosacea?


I have had a patch of rosacea under my eye for the last few years. The severity comes and goes, but right now, it鈥檚 the worst it鈥檚 been. I have developed a small pimple, but has not gone away in months. Is a microdermabrasion helpful for cases such as these? I currently apply a cream called proascea, but heard it may make it worse? How about metro-gel, which is prescribed. Also, I have heard primrose oil is VERY effective, but is this applied topically, or orally? ThanksBest way to help rosacea?
';What is used for rosacea?

Treatment involves both oral and topical medicines. Oral antibiotics (such as tetracycline) are commonly prescribed; the dose may be initially high and then be tapered to maintenance levels.

A topical (skin) antibiotic cream such as metronidazole (Metrocream) is useful to reduces the inflammation and the redness. Other topical antibiotic creams include erythomycin and clindamycin (Cleocin).

Short-term topical cortisone (steroid) preparations of the right strength may also be used to reduce local inflammation. Some doctors are trying tretinoin (Retin-A) or isotretoin (Accutane), prescription medications also used for acne, or permethrin (Elimite) cream, which is used for the mites that cause scabies.';

Microderabrasion could make rosacea much worse.

I have to ask: how do you know for sure that you have rosacea? Have you been diagnosed by a doctor? I have never heard of having just a patch of rosacea. It's possible that rosacea treatments may not work on your condition.Best way to help rosacea?
Metro-gel will probably help. Personally I've been happier with Azelaic acid. Go see your doctor and mention Azelaic acid (usually its for acne but there have been papers published about it's use for rosacea).

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