Monday, August 23, 2010

A mild form of Rosacea, red cheeks.....?

What are good recommendations for it? In terms of Food %26amp; Skincare Regime's, Skincare Products that could potentially make it worse and to stay clear off. Best brand I should opt for?A mild form of Rosacea, red cheeks.....?
I was told to stay away form food that is too spicy because it can cause flushing which can make the rosacea worse. You should limit alcohol for the same reason (makes me very sad to say lol!).

Go for gentle products, my dermatologist recommended the Avene range to me. She also said to keep my skin clean.

You can wear makeup if you like, but do make sure that you cleanse well at night, and try to stick to the lightest one you can (hard I know when you want to cover the red).

If you are having a flare up, you may be prescribed a course of antibiotics followed by a medicated cream, but you shouldn't need to stay on medicated treatments as far as I'm aware...but it is possible she stopped mine because I'm pregnant.

I'd definitely recommend seeing a dermatologist because my GP had me on antibiotics for over a year and when I finally insisted on seeing a dermatologist she was shocked I'd been on them for so long. So, it's good to see an expert I think.

Good luck with it! Oh, and in the long-term, if it gets bad, you can have treatment such as IPL to get rid of the redness. If you're as vain as I am:)A mild form of Rosacea, red cheeks.....?
You cannot treat Rosacea with over the counter items. You need to see your doc for antibiotic therapy and specials creams. Use only Ivory soap to cleanse your skin and avoid makeup and other things that can aggrivate it.
I have that and I had my doctor prescribe metro gel for my face and it has done wonders for it. I would use cetiphil that helps as well.
I know this sounds crazy, but it works. spf 45 Really, it works.

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