Avoid proglonged sun exposure. The number one trigger for most rosacea patients is the sun.
Protect yourself from temperature extremes (indoors and out) and from the wind. These environmental factors can trigger a rosacea flare-up.
Stay away from very spicy foods, hot beverages and alcohol. These often cause facial flushing that can irritate your condition.
Choose skincare products that do not contain ingredients such as salicylic acid or fruit acids. Products designed to ';peel'; the skin often make rosacea symptoms worse.
Exercise for short periods in well-ventilated, cool areas. Many rosacea patients find that exercising for 15 minutes at a time minimizes facial flushing and helps control symptoms.
Wash your face only with mild cleansers such as Cetaphil or Phisoderm Baby Cleanser.
Avoid srubbing the face with any type of loofah or brush. A soft washcloth is O.K. Men should shave with electric razors only, never a blade.
Moisturize with a gentle lotion or cream. Look for products that include comfrey or chamomile to ease the redness.
Wear a sunscreen every day with an SPF of 15 or higher.How can I treat rosacea breakouts naturally?
I have heard many different things on the subject, but the following four points seem to summarize most of what I read these days.
Avoid exposure to the sun. It is advised that you wear sunscreen when in the sun for prolonged periods of time. Limit exertion when temperatures are elevated outside. Limit your intake of foods that are spicy, alcoholic beverages, and hot drinks. Use supplements such as Rubactum to help limit irritation and inflammation. 聽How can I treat rosacea breakouts naturally?
Everything said as above + use Web MD's rosacea checklist: http://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/media/pdf/hw/form_zm2278.pdf
Some people also have benefit using an aloe-based product, so check with your doctor.
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